Biomarkers in rheumatic diseases. 11th Gisea International Meeting.

BIOMARKERS in rheumatology: towards precision medicine

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Formazione residenziale - Videoconferenza
18 dic 2020    13:30 - 18:30 Crediti ECM: 2.8
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Regione: Lazio

Città: Roma

Codice ECM: 75-307821-1

Crediti ECM: 2.8

Max Partecipanti: 200

Professione: Medico chirurgo

Disciplina: Allergologia e immunologia clinica, Cardiologia, Dermatologia e venereologia, Gastroenterologia, Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio, Medicina fisica e riabilitazione, Medicina interna, Nefrologia, Ortopedia e traumatologia, Reumatologia, Geriatria

Obiettivo formativo n.3: Documentazione clinica. Percorsi clinico-assistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza - profili di cura

Prezzo: 122,00 €

In the last years the field of Rheumatology has witnessed astonishing progress in the understanding and management of rheumatic diseases. A tremendous advance in dissecting the molecular and cellular mechanisms underpinning inflammation mainly in chronic arthritis has been made. In this context, a new concept of joint homeostasis regulated by resident inflammatory and stromal cells was developed with significant consequences for the management of patients with chronic inflammatory joint diseases as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis, since high-definition analysis identified novel putative pathways involved in the regulation of the behavior of stromal and inflammatory cells within the target tissue across disease phases. However, a lack of knowledge is still present in the field of systemic Connective Tissue Diseases, arising the urgent need to identify and develop novel biomarkers with prognostic properties.

Moreover, artificial intelligence platforms recently allowed great advances in personalized medicine approaches in cancer field. Therefore, the future challenge in Rheumatology, will be to apply and develop precision-medicine strategies for the management of rheumatic diseases.

This year, we will meet again in a virtual format during half a day of intensive streams discussing current and future directions in biomarkers discovery and validation, their integration, modelling and bioinformatics within precision medicine approaches in Rheumatology.

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Formazione sul campo

Follow: Counselling e monitoraggio per il controllo dell'ipercolesterolemia

12 giu 2024 - 04 giu 2025 Città: Udine Codice ECM: 75-415778-1 Crediti ECM: 6.0 Disciplina: Biologo, Cardiologia, Chirurgia vascolare, Endocrinologia, Geriatria, Infermiere, Medicina interna, Neurologia
Formazione sul campo

Follow: Counselling e monitoraggio per il controllo dell'ipercolesterolemia

30 mag 2024 - 29 mag 2025 Città: Torino Codice ECM: 75-415575-1 Crediti ECM: 6.0 Disciplina: Biologo, Cardiologia, Chirurgia vascolare, Endocrinologia, Geriatria, Infermiere, Medicina interna, Neurologia
Formazione sul campo

Follow: Counselling e monitoraggio per il controllo dell'ipercolesterolemia

22 mag 2024 - 21 mag 2025 Città: Pietra Ligure Codice ECM: 75-415430-1 Crediti ECM: 6.0 Disciplina: Biologo, Cardiologia, Chirurgia vascolare, Endocrinologia, Geriatria, Infermiere, Medicina interna, Neurologia